How to Plan for Best ROI in Equity Markets with Precise Equity research

Return on investment (ROI) can be defined as the performance measure to evaluate the profitability of an investment. The measure of the return is relative to the cost of the investment. Equity research can help in maximizing this return.

Equity research entails a deep dive into companies and industries, along with analysis of relevant information, to estimate their current and future performance. Sell-side firms conduct equity research, and the data that has been gathered is extensively used by investors as well as hedge fund managers to explore profitable market opportunities and make informed investment decisions. Major corporations have also realized the benefits of expert analysis and have identified it as a valuable tool that can enable strategic decision-making.

Equity research analysts are deep subject matter experts who have industry experience or academicians who have researched the industry. They collect relevant data and carry out in-depth research on corporations, industries, and macro trends to provide an expert view.

Investment in the equity market is a gamble of sorts and can change fortunes. While it can one day bestow millions on an investor, it can also snatch away all the money in a fraction of seconds. Equity research acts as a shield and protects investors from the unpredictable nature of stock markets.

Sophisticated Professional Investors

Usually experienced investors develop their own specialized valuation techniques and qualitative criteria. They perform the necessary due diligence and rarely take recommendations from external sources. However, they should also consider equity research as an alternative as it could ensure effective utilization of time. Moreover, delegation is vital for every successful business and a key aspect of asset management. Expert analyst research can help asset managers to:

  • Gain deep insights on stock performances

  • Outsource time-intensive and complex research

  • Generate innovative investment ideas 

  • Gather fresh context

Retail Investors

Equity research is essential for retail investors as they are usually less technically proficient and do not have easy access to the required data and information. Most retail investors have limited resources of investment and hence must be careful in making investment decisions. With the help of equity research, they can supplement some of these shortages. Equity research can provide investors financial models, investment narrative, and buy/sell recommendations; it can also help them identify relevant issues.

As individuals lack the expertise and knowledge of an analyst, it is advisable to rely on trustworthy analysts and fulfill their research needs through them.


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