Sore Throat: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Home Remedies

 How do you get rid of a sore throat?

Sore throat is a painful and irritable condition of the throat which is a common problem experienced by a large number of people every year. The problem is common caused by a viral infection such as cold or flu, and a normal viral sore throat doesn’t require specialized medical attention as it resolves on its own in a few days. 

On the other hand, a less prevalent type of sore throat is caused by bacteria which usually require antibiotics to prevent further complications. If the level of discomfort or pain is high then one can use mild pain relievers and consult a paediatrician to give over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen etc to relieve the symptoms. If the sore throat is caused by bacterial infection then one should take antibiotics. Even if the symptoms are relieved then the course of the antibiotics should be completed as per the schedule given by the doctor. Ignoring the full course of antibiotics can lead to situations such as recurring sore throat, rheumatic fever and in some cases even kidney inflammation. However, it must be remembered that any medicine for pain in throat takes time to provide relief and you should opt for good lozenges if you are seeking instant relief from throat pain

What is the best cure for common cold?

The causes of common cold and sore throat are usually similar as these are both caused by virus. Hence, any home remedies for sore throat or ayurvedic treatment for throat infection that you take is also likely to relieve you of your common cold. 

How do you cure sore throat quickly?

Conventionally, sore throat is cured by taking painkillers, antibiotics or home remedies as the case might be. The natural remedies for throat infection are usually highly effective and in most cases you don’t need to take medical help for it. 

When you need instant relief from throat pain, you can also opt for good quality lozenges especially those containing curcumin as it is a highly effective anti inflammatory substance that can relieve throat pain quickly. 

How do I handle frequent sore throat?

Sore throat is caused by viral infections which usually affect a person with weak immunity more often than others. If you find that you are repeatedly vulnerable to the problem then you should focus on consuming immunity boosting foods and supplements especially food items which are rich in Vitamin C. Regular consumption of such food items and supplements will make your body’s natural immunity stronger and reduce the need for medical intervention whenever you suffer from soreness of throat. 

What is the best home remedy for sore throat?

No matter what caused your sore throat problem, there are certain home remedies for sore throat which can relieve the symptoms among children and grown up alike:

Saltwater gargle – Saltwater gargle is an age old and effective home remedy that soothes a sore throat. For adults adding half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of mildly warm water can be helpful. You can gargle the solution and spit it out. However, children less than 6 years of age should not be made to do this.

Drinking fluids – One of the main discomforts experienced during this situation is the dryness of throat and by drinking ample amount of fluids, we can keep the throat moist and prevent dehydration. People suffering from sore throat should avoid caffeine or alcohol as they dehydrate a person faster.

Consumer warm foods and beverages – Warm liquids such as soups, broth and warm honey water as well as cold items such as ice pops can be highly soothing for sore throat.

Humidify the air – Dry air can cause irritation, itchiness and soreness of throat. Hence, using cool air humidifiers to increase humidity in the air can be helpful. Inhaling hot water steam is another and more traditional way of doing it. 


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